District Directory
Mr. Becker
Mr. B. began teaching in Morton during the 1993-94 school year. Prior to coming to Morton he taught one year in East Aurora. He is the Morton's head girl's basketball coach, having started in 1998. He is married to Evelyn and they have three energetic kids, Bobby, Josi, and Maddy.
Mr. Becker's Mission
Mr. Becker wants all children to enjoy physical education. Each day he tries to plan activities that are fun and promote action. His goal is to have all of his students moving and having a great time. If each child leaves his class feeling good about themselves and having pink cheeks and sweaty foreheads, his lesson has been successful.
Ms. Bunting
Ms. Buzzell
Ms. Donley
Ms. Embry
Ms. Franklin
Mrs. Franklin leads the Student Support Services team for Morton 709. She, also, serves as the Principal of Morton Academy.
Under the umbrella of her leadership are Student Support Services including District Social Workers, School Psychologists, Health Care Professionals, and Multi-Language Learner education. More traditional Special Education Programs including Resource Classrooms, RISE (Reaching Independence/Support & Education), and ACES(Academic Connections/Emotional Support) help students meet their educational goals, grow in soft skills, and prepare them for every next step at school and in the community.
Ms. Hamrick
Ms. Howard
Ms. Lohnes
Crystal Lohnes came to Morton 709 to bring the food services home. After decades of paying food service providers, she came on board to intentionally build a meal program that students and staff can look forward to in the middle of the school day. She is building menus as she builds a food services team. She would love to hear what your students look forward to the most.